However long you choose to benefit from care at this office is up to you. The services we offer can fall into one of the following themes:
prn or “as needed” care. Next time symptoms start to bother you, we will be happy to reestablish relief. We will coach you in the orthopaedic signs relevant to you for the purpose of early detection of lurking trouble. Like the adage of “a stitch in time saves nine,” recovery can be quicker if don’t ignore those early signs before they turn into symptoms.
Elective care/treatment is at the option of the patient who wishes to maintain optimum function with preventive/maintenance care. Some patients, for example, wish to have functional pathology treated before pain and disability develop. Here the focus is on training for performance, like Michelle Stilwell and her Gold medal Olympic performances in Beijing and London.
Supportive care is therapeutically necessary care for patients who, despite rehabilitative exercises and other lifestyle modifications, fail to sustain therapeutic gains after treatment withdrawal. Reasons may include the ongoing stresses of work and other activities of daily living.